Operation Santa Claus Sponsored - Season of Love
In this special holiday season, we should cherish loved ones and show them our appreciation. Pause and say you care and smell the holly and all the seasonal flowers. Admire the synchronised dance act of ocean creatures and marvel in the trills, chirps and warbles of some remarkable birds that make Hong Kong a permanent or a migratory home.
With advancing urbanisation and climate change we are often faced with threats to both our flora and fauna. Yet, recent preservation and conversation efforts for our land and sea have contributed to a regeneration of both species and habitat. Biodiversity has increased and our iconic pink dolphins are still seen in the waters off Lantau.
The gifts of nature are bestowed when we succeed as mindful caretakers of our precious environment. Let's enjoy this time with family and friends, share and celebrate in this Holiday Season of Love.
A short video was created to recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuQFLWc7lKQ